PathTrace Use Cases

Mod/Sim shows security impacts of facility changes

PathTrace screenshot of mhypothetical Lome Pine Power Plant targets.
  • Used PathTrace to model a facility with a target that has changed locations.
  • Provided analysis and documentation to demonstrate how facility security is impacted after the change.
  • Analysis determined if the relocation significantly impacts facility security and if remedies are possible.

Determine effective response times using Mod/Sim

PathTrace screenshot of adversary path sequence
  • Used PathTrace to model an existing nuclear facility.
  • Analyzed and documented attacks on the model at varied response timelines.
  • Determined the most effective response timeline for the site.

Justify physical security upgrades using Mod/Sim

Screenshot of PathTrace model with security upgrades.
  • Used PathTrace to rapidly prototype a critical infrastructure facility.
  • Provided analysis and documentation demonstrating the impacts of proposed upgrades including test scenarios.
  • Provided data-driven documentation to support approval of upgrades.